Autor: admin

  • Vonderland – Interactive and Multi-Sensory VR

    Vonderland – Interactive and Multi-Sensory VR

    After more than 1 year we finally delivered a steady and fun VR experience with lots of differentials than a regular VR experience people are accustomed to. Vonderland. First, there’s the multi-sensory part. Vonderland is multi-sensory in a way that few other experiences are. -It is a haptic full body experience, meaning that you can…

  • Os bastidores do fim da premiação musical mais importante da Alemanha.

    Na Alemanha não existe censura. Tá lá na Constituição. É proibido proibir previamente qualquer coisa. Mas, mesmo assim, algumas coisas são proibidas por lei. Um exemplo? Dizer que o Holocausto não aconteceu. Outro exemplo? Desenhar suásticas ou qualquer outro símbolo nazista. Fora que, além da lei, tem a opinião pública, que é o que também conta muito por aqui. Suas…

  • Orquestra Filarmônica de Technics

    Orquestra Filarmônica de Technics

    Sim, ela existe! Vi aqui no DJ Worx. E também na Mixmag. Junte 30 DJs que dominam a arte do scratch. Tipo o Qbert, Mr.Switch, Swamp, Kentaro, esse pessoal assim… Coloque o traje apropriado em todos eles. Pegue a primeira composição erudita que foi lançada em vinil no ano de 1948, o Concerto em E menor de Mendelssohn. E junte…

  • Workshop – SAE Institute – Meet the Professional

    Workshop – SAE Institute – Meet the Professional

    Last month I was invited by Boris Kummerer, the Senior Industry Relations of SAE Institute, to give a workshop and tell students about my career, my relation with Music, Audio, and the many ways we can work with Audio. SAE Institute was founded in 1976 and has since grown to become the world’s largest, industry-focussed creative media…

  • Workshop – Game Audio – Parallelwelten

    Workshop – Game Audio – Parallelwelten

    Once again I was invited by the Berliner Festspiele for a workshop. This time it was about Audio for Games. Here’s the announcement: How do music and sound effects affect the gaming experience? Sound has always played a major role in video games, be it to emphasize the fun, to help players solve the puzzle…

  • Workshop – Berlin Sounds – Berliner Festspiele

    On 2017 I made a workshop invited by Berliner Festspiele – Maerzmusik Parallelwelten exhibition regarding how Society and Environment shaped Music along History. The Berlin Sounds Workshop. The idea was to prove that Music represents the Zeitgeist regarding all Environmental inputs composers and artists receives and that Music evolves and shapes back Society and Environment…

  • The end of Music composition as we know?

    Yesterday I came across a BBC article about AI music composing. Interesting article, talking about SKYGGE, the new musical project of French composer Benoît Carré. He’s been in the composition business for a long time and now he just created this album using the help of Flow Machines, “the world’s most advanced artificially intelligent music…

  • Cyberdelics – VR/AR psychedelic Art experiments

    Cyberdelics experiments are based on Timothy Leary’s LSD experiences formatted for VR and AR. Miguelangelo Rosario designs all visuals and concepts, and Billy Mello adds the sounds/music. The result is an immersive experience where the viewer has the sensation of floating in a psychedelic place. When removing the VR goggles, the experience lingers in the…

  • Vonderlabs – VR for business applications

    Vonderlabs is a company focused on bringing VR/AR experiences and solutions for the business environment. From “simple” solutions as a virtual shoe store where you can customise your tennis to intricate multiplayer experience where you and others join forces to develop a full pipeline of Oil & Gas production, Vonderlabs creates tailor-made VR/AR experiences for companies…

  • Dragon Orb – VR puzzle game.

    VR experience developed by WaVR from Gothenburg, Sweden. Made in Unity3D using room scale properly over various VR enabled devices, the game consists of 55 levels of puzzles, where the player needs to get as much Dragon Orbs as possible, in order to advance. The physical limitations of a human person were taken in into consideration…