Tag: A&R

  • Lucha Libre expands and opens operation in Berlin

    The production company will have international presence focusing on 360, 3D and binaural audio projects. Lucha Libre Audio opens a studio in Berlin, under the command of Billy Mello, “Maestro Billy”, and will focus on 360, 3D and binaural audio projects, growing demands thanks to the popularization of virtual reality content, augmented and others immersive…

  • Vonderland – Interactive and Multi-Sensory VR

    Vonderland – Interactive and Multi-Sensory VR

    After more than 1 year we finally delivered a steady and fun VR experience with lots of differentials than a regular VR experience people are accustomed to. Vonderland. First, there’s the multi-sensory part. Vonderland is multi-sensory in a way that few other experiences are. -It is a haptic full body experience, meaning that you can…

  • Workshop – SAE Institute – Meet the Professional

    Workshop – SAE Institute – Meet the Professional

    Last month I was invited by Boris Kummerer, the Senior Industry Relations of SAE Institute, to give a workshop and tell students about my career, my relation with Music, Audio, and the many ways we can work with Audio. SAE Institute was founded in 1976 and has since grown to become the world’s largest, industry-focussed creative media…

  • Realidade Aumentada em obras de arte.

    Veja esta imagem aqui:   Sim, um monte de ilustrações penduradas na parede de uma exposição, correto? Mais ou menos. Se você baixar o Artivive no seu celular e apontar para qualquer uma das imagens, acontece isso aqui: A imagem A animação Quer mais um? A imagem A animação Mais uma do Miguelangelo Rosario, que faz essas…

  • Europe VR Days 2017 – What’s new?

    So, for the third time, I went to Amsterdam to check what was going on at Europe VR Days. The first event in 2015 was great but still small. The second was really great and evolved a lot from the first time. This third year was an awesome experience, not only for learning new things…

  • Visualizando Som em Realidade Aumentada

    Já viu isso? O artista Zach Liebermann criou um aplicativo baseado no ARkit para Realidade Aumentada que “mostra” sons produzidos no ambiente e mostra a onda sonora no local onde o som foi gerado. Tem algum uso prático atualmente? Por enquanto não muito, mas num futuro próximo, quando a Realidade Aumentada sair definitivamente do celular e…

  • Realidade Virtual – Áudio Espacial

    Todo mundo que trabalha com Realidade Virtual diz que 50% da experiência vem do som. Concordo plenamente. Não porquê quero puxar sardinha pro meu lado, mas porque a gente vive em ambientes reais que tem o som como parte indispensável para o entendimento espacial, então nada mais natural que a RV seja uma extensão disso.…

  • Europe VR Days – Day 01

      Once again I am in Amsterdam for the VR Days. 4 days of discussions, lectures, debates, demos, live tutorials and much more related to the world of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. This year the event was much bigger than last year, which makes it all a bit more impersonal, but at the same…